Margit’s dag

Som ni vet har vi ständigt kontakt med våra center och styrelser. Detta är viktigt för er som givare och för oss som skickar gåvorna vidare till respektive länder.

Både i Indien och på Sri Lanka firade de Margit’s 75 års dag.
Det var många som samlades och de ringde upp Margit via Skype och sjöng för henne.
De gick runt med den bärbara datorn och gamla som unga gratulerade Margit på hennes dag.

I Indien skriver de så här….

Sister Margit’s birthday celebration ..

It was a great day on Saturday 21st, Margit’s 75th Birthday!
Since she loves and have a soft corner for our social people we dedicated the new dining area for the social people as our special birthday gift to her. We all gathered near the hall, and arrangements were made in such a way that Margit saw all the program through Skype!
It was early morning in Sweden, but she woke up early and waited for us, when we greeted her she responded with a child’s enthusiasm and energy!
Our Managing Trustee cut the ribbon and dedicated the building with a prayer .Margit called every one by name and said hello to each of them!

When all the children, staff, aged mothers and all gathered in that area sung ’ Happy birthday song’ in a chorus! It seemed to us,that Margit was moved and emotionally thanked every one with’ Nandri…Nandri ’….
Then our sponsor children and our hostel girls and aged ammas from Smyrna shelter and every staff came before the laptop skype camera to convey their wishes as though they are seeing Margit directly. The interesting and amazing thing is Margit remembered each and every one by name and called and said hello to them to their pleasant surprise !
Then Manager Gladson thanked all the staff for their fullest co-operation in making this function a memorable one and finally on the behalf of lady staff Metilda prayed specially for Margit and cake, fruits and tea served to all!

Här nere ser du några foto från firandet i Indien.

Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag i Indien
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag i Indien
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag i Indien
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag i Indien

Från Sri Lanka skrev de så här…

Dear Sister we all wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Här nere ser du några foto från firandet på Sri Lanka.

It is going to be your 75th Birthday tomorrow the 21st of March 2015 dear Margit. We, the Board of Directors,Management, children and staff of Smyrna Fellowship wish you the best of everything today and during every day that follows. 
Today, we the staff are proud to let you know that a toilet was built for a poor girl of 10 years, who live in an estate line room, 14 kilo meters from here, as tribute to YOU and remembering your Birthday. The staff, Director and children were in the site to hand over the toilet to 10 year old Marina and her family. We celebrated the day with cakes, sandwiches and coffee.
This is nothing compared to all what you have done to hundreds and thousands of children and families from the time you first stepped in our country in 1963. You deserve much more, very much more, dear Margit. Happy Birthday.

Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag på Sri Lanka
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag på Sri Lanka
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag på Sri Lanka
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag på Sri Lanka
Margit 75 år
Firandet av Margits 75-årsdag på Sri Lanka
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